Mi ge's y Ffrynd goreu fyth, fyth, all'sai fod; Yr addewid a roddodd ni thòrodd erioed: Er byw'n Ei ogoniant yn nghanol y nef, Mewn awr o gyfyngder fe wrendy fy llef. Mae enw f'Anwylyd mor anwyl, mor fawr, Hyfrydwch y nefoedd, hyfrydwch y llawr, Ni dderfydd ei garu, ni dderfydd ei glod, Pan byddo heb seren yn uwchder y rhod. Nid oes gan blant dynion un gronyn o law, Yn rhyfel ein Harglwydd nag yma na thraw, Efe sy'n lladd pechod a phlanu pob gras, Efe bia'r enw i mewn ac i maes. Cawn wared o'n hadfyd, a'n gofid i gyd, Pob terfysg a dwndwr, a chynhwrf y byd; 'Ddaw blinder, na thrallod, na phechod, na phoen, Na gelyn, na gormes, i fynwes yr Oen.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau []:
gwelir: |
I got the best Friend that ever, ever could be; The promise he made he never broke: Although living in his glory in the centre of heaven, In an hour of trouble he hears my cry. The name of my beloved is so dear, so great, The delight of heaven, the delight of earth, His love shall not perish, his acclaim shall not perish, When there be no star in the height of the sky. The children of men have not the least bit of a hand In our Lord's war either here or yonder, 'Tis he who kills sin and plants every grace, To him belongs the name within and without. We may have deliverance from our adversity, and all our griefs, All tumult and din, and the commotion of the world; Neither grief, nor affliction, nor sin, nor pain shall come, Nor enemy, nor oppression, to the bosom of the Lamb.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |